Monday, August 4, 2008

SelfBank Mobile - Secure Banking From Your Phone

Alan Hallmark here. How to Leave your wallet at home and take your money mobile.

SelfBank Mobile User Plan. Send and Receive Money From Your Mobile Cell Phone or PDA F.ree. Sign Up - No Monthly Fees. Welcome to Mobile Banking, Or should I say Banking on your Mobile Cell Phone or PDA.

This is very exciting. Imagine doing all your financial transactions from your phone. No more banking or debit fees. Read this article and learn more about what SelfBank Mobile can do for you.

This is a great advancement in m-commerce technology. SelfBank Mobile allows you to send and receive money from your own very mobile phone.

Now here is the answer to what is the F.ree SelfBank Mobile User Account? It doesn't matter what carrier or mobile phone you use. F.ree SelfBank Mobile can be accessed worldwide. This service will allow you to have many advantages over the current banking system. Be Your Own Bank. Here are some of the many features of the F.ree SelfBank Mobile User Plan.

1) You can buy items with your mobile phone or PDA.

2) Pay all your bills on your phone. This is a very convenient feature we all would love to have now but don't.

3) You can send money to family and friends fast, securely and quick at a fraction of what you pay now.

4) Be Your Own Bank today. Here is another nice feature about the F.ree SelfBank Mobile User Account. You don't pay any transaction fees. No more paying debit fees. Think of the savings! Put the money back into your hands not the banking institutions. SelfBank Mobile also has many merchants who will give you cash back when you purchase with them. Be Your Own Bank. The only requirements are that you need a mobile phone or PDA that can send text messages or access the internet. That's it!

5) This F.ree SelfBank Mobile User plan can pay you. If you refer family or friends SelfBank Mobile can give you cash bonuses. Oh and they say everyone is pre-approved.

They have a awesome affil.iate program too. This article details the user plan. SelfBank Mobile is in the pre-launch stage. Be one of the world's first users. Sign up today. Here is the number one reason to sign up for this latest and most advanced technology the mobile world has ever seen. It is F.REE to sign up. There are no monthly fees. Visit the link below for more facts about this bank on your phone today. Would you like more information on free Selfbank Mobile? You can learn more about this M-Commerce Technology and how it works at this terrific site. Visit @

Monday, July 21, 2008

Home Based Businesses & The SpiderWeb Marketing System

My name is Alan Hallmark. I'm from Birmingham, Alabama, and I've been involved in my home business for 5 years.

Originally, I became involved in my home business because I was interested in entrepreneurship, I was excited by the comfort of working from home and I loved the idea of flexibility.

After getting established in my business, some things went well.

On the other hand, it was not exactly the dream I had hoped for. Despite the things I liked about it, I still experienced some frustrations because I didn't know enough people, I didn't know enough about the business to train anyone and I had not had enough training and I couldn't stand cold calling.

In spite of my difficulties, I still tried my best to achieve the success that I was originally sold on. I worked hard to follow that promise of success that my sponsor told me about. I tried many of the traditional tactics employed in this industry, with less than ideal results. I tried a different Company, then another, then another, I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads, I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I attended boring company training events. I did everything I had been taught to do and worked my hardest at it, but the end result was a lot less than I expected.

I decided I needed to try a different approach. I ran out of options, my upline was not very helpful, I wanted to work hard with a new, fresh approach, Quite simply, I wanted more income. After researching several different options, I decided to join The SpiderWeb Marketing System. I thought it was a good idea to become a part of the SpiderWeb Marketing System because I wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business. I was excited to never hunt leads again and I was excited to be able to generate my own endless stream real-time Home Based Business Targeted leads. I was also sick of all the hype filled e-books and training courses.

Since joining, things have gone quite well and I am pleased with the results so far. I'm confident that The SpiderWeb Marketing System will help me achieve the success that I've always dreamed of because I am excited to gain solid leads, It has been wonderful so far. Kimball and his corporate staff have been very helpful, It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense. I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system.

I believe that success comes to those who are willing to work for it. I believe in working hard, and I believe in working smart. Since joining The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I have become more effective and more efficient in my business.

I originally became involved in my home business because I had a goal to Gain time freedom and to share my knowledge with others. The SpiderWeb Marketing System has helped me take a huge step closer to that goal.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing You Success,


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The SpiderWeb System Rakes in the Cash in Zrii

This is Alan Hallmark, writing to you from HOT and HUMIDE Birmingham, Alabama. That's life in the heart of the south. I want to talk to you about the advantage that The SpiderWeb Marketing System can give you in a company like Zrii. I personally don't know a lot about Zrii. I've heard that it is a beverage that is supposed to be very good for you. But I do know that you can make a substantial income through its business op plan.

Now, I'm writing this about Zrii, but it applies to just about any product that requires sales to anyone. Which, is just about everything.

You may be looking into Zrii, or any other product, trying to figure out if it is the right business program to get you that expensive, shiny thing you've been dreaming of, or at least help pay the bills. You may have gotten into it a while ago, hit a flurry of enthusiastic buyers who quickly died out, and are now looking for ways to jump start your business. When I first joined network marketing, I became involved because I was interested in entrepreneurship, I loved the idea of flexibility and working from the comfort of home.

The thing about Zrii right now, is that you are not only competing with others who are selling it in the same program as you, not to mention the natural market limitations of a product like Zrii, but you are also competing with thousands of well-established distributors of products like Xango and Tahitian Noni, whose products have been doing well on the market for years.

Even if there were a chance that Zrii could cure Hodgkin's Lymphoma, you're still going to have a hard time selling to the lady who just spent $400 on Noni and told the Xango guy to take a hike.

It's a problem that most people in this industry run into. You need people to work with, and because so many other businesses have been scooping up the people you're looking for, they can be hard to find. In my experience with Network MLM, I initially struggled because My Friends and Family were not interested, I didn't know enough people and Company training was too expensive. You may have as well.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you break through the limitations of network marketing. Basically, the SpiderWeb System is a lead generator. You need people to sell to, and the SpiderWeb System will help you find them. It is a successful networking system that will help you create relationships with other people who are looking for similar business opportunities. Best of all, you make money while you do it.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a system designed to integrate over twelve different sources of income. Through a fully-automated, free system that requires little effort, you can become the recipient of a steady income, while creating mutually advantageous business relationships that will be beneficial to your venture in Zrii.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a free way to develop your Zrii business, while making a substantial additional income. Having been in this business for 5 years, I know how important it is to have successful marketing. Luckily, for me and for you, The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a great way to break through those struggles and increase your income, no matter what you are selling.

Thanks for reading.

For more information on how The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you, visit Click Here

Friday, July 11, 2008

SpiderWeb Videos Give You Much, Much, More

Videos use in Multi-level marketing has skyrocketed in 2008. MLM websites have shifted their focus from the "FREE! FREE! FREE!*" (glaringly suspicious asterisk) pitches to friendly expertise video models. The typical bombastic text usually encountered when you click on a new MLM website has been bound up and sealed away in some ebook yet to be purchased. Instead, an automated flash player video greets me promising a better way to boost my business. Nearly a dozen sites now market free videos that introduce human testimonials and products that, in a uncanny way, remind me of youtube home entertainment.

I'm Alan Hallmark from Birmingham, Alabama and I've looked around at several of these free video systems hot in the industry. 5 years ago ,I started my own home base business because I wanted to supplant my primary income, I was excited about the idea of working from the comfort of home and I loved the idea of flexibility. The video system has recently seemed more user friendly and entertaining than reading website text. However, I have quickly found out that free videos differ in two ways.

The video model always promises to be a free teaching tool, but rarely does it hold up. Among Mike Dillard, The Spiderweb System, and other video producing marketers, only the Spiderweb System actually functions as a free system that caters to the user specifically. Dillard's model adds up to being a seven day, seven video commercial that attempts(poorly) to downplay its ultimate goal of selling me an ebook. How disappointing. My time wasted watching all seven videos was time wasted watching an infomercial.(Could have done that at two in the morning instead.) When I finished one video I had to excruciatingly wait until the next day when I was given "access" to view the next, which happened to be (unsurprisingly and disconcertingly) precariously similar to the video I had watched the day before. Fishy business in my opinion. Although the medium has changed from tag lines: "FREE FREE FREE**" to "introduction videos," Dillard's aim (like the rest of the MLMs) functions ultimately to sell a silly ebook that gets me no where in the marketing world.

With such an experience, you can imagine my skepticism when I tried the new SpiderWeb System videos. I wanted to know if this new medium of MLM could hold it promise and implement well into my business. Hosted by the founder of The SpiderWeb System himself, Kimball Roundy, the videos are straightforward and aren't trying to sell me any ebook full of "secrets" at the end. Instead of talking to me about his product, Kimball had set everything in place for me to begin making passive income during the first five minutes of the first video. The system willingly taught me how to boost my business right then and there (which sold me on his way of doing MLM). I didn't have to go back and re-read anything. Instead I was setting up my new business strategies right then, during the video time. (Talk about a time saver.) The comprehensive and user friendly videos are available in full at any time to me without charge and each walks me through a step-by-step process that got me somewhere immediately. There is no "revolutionary" ebook to buy when the curtains closed, only Internet suave and down line girth.

In trying to boost my home business I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and "Proven Turnkey Systems", I attended boring company training events, I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members but never came across an actual video that could help with any of my efforts. Until the Spider Web System. These videos worked in a completely different way than Dillard's or any other MLM company has. They actually deliver the product and set in place the way for me to get somewhere in my business, at my convenience (as opposed to the seven day wait). The video model hot in the MLM industry is being used in two ways it seems: on one hand, it functions like a longer, more enticing commercial for an ebook. But on the other hand, and alone in the market, the SpiderWeb System uses videos as their medium for actually teaching and setting up my own business better, free of charge.

This new way of using videos by The SpiderWeb System has allowed me to start gaining multiple streams of income efficiently and effectively. I am excited that I am finally working toward my dreams of financial freedom and Share my knowledge with others.

To check out the only system in the MLM industry that uses free video tutorials in a real, efficient, and non-commercial way visit Click Here Five minutes, and you'll experience the difference.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

SpiderWeb Marketing Brings in Cash - With No Opt-In Fee!

Hi, Alan Hallmark here. I hope everyone is having a good day. I wanted to take a moment and point out an important reason that makes The SpiderWeb System so good.

Unfortunately, most people that attempt a multi-level marketing program often end up losing money. Why does this happen? For the same reason that I did. I couldn't stand cold calling, My Friends and Family were not interested, I have not had enough training, Company training was too expensive.

Many, if not most multi-level marketing programs require that the user pay an initial fee. This fee is also known as an opt-in fee. People that have little or no knowledge about how MLMs work often pay this fee, and then after a little frustration quickly give up. After all, the person that recruited them has already made some money off of them.

Fortunately, The SpiderWeb Marketing System does not require an initial opt-in fee. It was developed specifically for this reason.

Since there is no opt-in fee, your upline makes money only when you are successful and making money as well. That means that they will have a genuine interest in you and your success. This eliminates the threat of having a sponsor that just takes your money and bails out on you quickly thereafter, which can happen alarmingly frequently.

I joined the SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was excited to find a system that actually actually does the work for me, I was sick of all the hype filled e-books and training courses, It makes me money hands free, I wanted to gain access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videos, I was excited to have real, interested leads. It has been great for me so far, and again, has not cost me anything to join.

Being able to give multi-level marketing a shot without having to buy anything, pay an opt-in fee, or put yourself at any risk, is an amazing opportunity and experience which I am excited to share with you. The SpiderWeb Marketing System will "help you DO" what those marketing e-books only tell you to do. With no risk involved, you literally have nothing to lose!

Thanks for reading. For more information on how The SpiderWeb Marketing System can help you increase your wealth, with no opt-in fee, visit Click Here.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The Four Critical Questions of MLM

Guerrilla Tactics. Viral Marketing. Covert Recruiting. Top Secret Strategies.

Businesses will often use these exciting words to hype up a product and distract from the boring (albeit important) business details. You get caught up in the excitement of a renegade way to make cash, and focus less on the important aspects, like: How is the money made? How much is made? How reliable is it? What do I have to do to become involved? These are the Four Critical Questions that must be asked when becoming involved with any network marketing company.

This is Alan Hallmark from Birmingham, Alabama, and I know how important it is to understand the answers to those questions. Having been in this industry for 5 years, I understand that there is a lot of hype out there, with not enough substance.

The Four Critical Questions of MLM. These are the real questions that need to be answered in MLM. As exciting as the MLM Guerilla Virus is, unless you can see through the fancy action words, you are no closer to putting groceries on the table.

That is why it is so important to find a system out there that will give it to you straight. A business opportunity that will level with you, and give you real answers to the Four Critical Questions of MLM.

A close look at these questions will help you know if a system is good for you.

1) How is the money made? Before you even know how much you can make, it is important to know where the money comes from. Product sales? Recruiting bonuses? Commissions? Fewer large payouts? Many smaller deposits? This is the most important thing to find out.

2) How much can be made? Like Question #1, this is extremely important, and it can be difficult to determine. Sales pitches will always give you the most optimistic results imaginable, so its up to you to sift through the sales shout and consider what is being promised and how they are promising it. Hopefully then you'll have a better idea what you can make.

3) How reliable is it? Anyone can promise you a million dollars overnight. It may even be technically possible, if all the universe aligns at the exact moment you click to sign up, but its not likely. That's why you must ask this question. This can be a little easier to answer, if you pay attention. Just listen and ask yourself if its realistic. But remember that no matter what, they will tell you that it is.

4) What do I have to do to become involved? This can sometimes be a tricky one too. Expect to be strung along, clicking here and there to access this and that, without much of a solid answer. More of this trickery is a bad thing. The sooner you can find out, the more sure you can be that they aren't asking for a firstborn.

As soon as you know the answer to these four questions, you will be able to give it some thought and come up with the answer to the most important question of them all.

Is it right for me?

This is the same question I asked before I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System. After going through these questions, I realized that SpiderWeb was the answer for me. I looked at all the details, and studied it out, and eventually signed up because I was sick of all the hype filled e-books and training courses, I was excited to have real, interested leads, I wanted to escape my uplines, I was excited to find a system that actually does the work for me, I was excited to be able to generate 12+ streams of passive residual income.

And you know what? The Four Critical Questions Test works. It has been great so far, and I know that I will continue to be successful because I am excited to gain solid leads, It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense, It has been wonderful so far, I researched thoroughly and know this is the best system.

Put it to the test. Join The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

In my next blog post, I will explain how the System answers those Critical Questions.

But if you can't wait till then, go ahead and visit HERE now.


Tuesday, July 1, 2008

SpiderWeb Marketing Takes a Step Above Magnetic Sponsoring


Alan Hallmark back again with some thoughts about a couple of great systems out there. I'll cut to the chase. Magnetic Sponsoring is a good, well-established program. But The SpiderWeb Marketing System is better. Better as in, easier to set up, takes less time to maintain, and most importantly, makes more money.

There are so many different Internet systems out there that make all sorts of claims. Before getting into The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I also investigated Net MLM Profits, MLM Traffic Formula.

I heard good things about Magnetic Sponsoring. Founded by Mike Dillard, it is a useful program, and you can really learn a great deal from it. Indeed, the SpiderWeb Marketing System is built around the same type of funded proposal system that Magnetic Sponsoring is built on.

But, there are some significant differences that are quite obvious. The first is cost. The main thing that Magnetic Sponsoring is selling is Mike Dillard's business book, that goes into great detail and helps you understand the funded proposal system, and gives you guidance and a good starting point to begin to establish the system that will bring in profit.

Compare that with The SpiderWeb Marketing System, which offers a free system that will do just about everything for you and get you set up with ease, to make money almost immediately. While it doesn't offer the in-depth text that Magnetic Sponsoring does, it actually gives you the vehicle to make money, and sets itself up for you, while also including 22 training videos (and counting).

The second difference to look at is the source of income. As is evident from their introductory video, the primary source of income in Magnetic Sponsoring is from the prospect of leads that it generates. Once you've studied the book and learned how to implement the things taught in it, you can create a system that will bring in people that you can develop good relationship with and eventually pitch your primary business too. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is designed to increase your income as soon as you get set up. You can begin making money in less than an hour.

Magnetic Sponsoring has one source of income. The SpiderWeb System has 22. Granted, that one primary source from Magnetic Sponsoring can be very substantial, but if its not successful, you could be left high and dry. Contrast that to the 22 sources of income offered by The SpiderWeb Marketing System. Some may fluctuate, but with 22 streams of income, you are sure to have a significant positive flow that is consistent.

I'm not going to tell you that Magnetic Sponsoring is a bad program, but I will tell you that the SpiderWeb Marketing System is an amazing program that offers so much more than any other system. I've already been in the program for a good time, and after being in this industry for 5 years, I can tell you a good program when I see one. Let me reiterate one important point: Its totally 100% free.

Take it from me - SpiderWeb Marketing is a safe venture, designed to incorporate the successes with many new innovative money-making strategies.

There are thousands who would agree.

Thanks so much. For more information, just click here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Is it really possible to make money on the Internet for free?


This is Alan Hallmark with an important thought for you to ponder.

Is it really impossible to make money for free? Most would tell you so. But the old adage, "It takes money to make money" was stated long before the development of the Internet. Its true if you're in real estate, but there are now infinite options available through the Internet.

This is nothing new of course. There's no limit to the number of people with systems who will charge you anywhere from $70 to $3000 for their "industry expert secrets".

You've all been there before. Some flashy page filled with promises, followed with a spot for your Visa Card Number, and you receive all of their "highly-confidential secrets" in the form of some long, complicated book, eBook, training course, or video series. So you've spent your money, and so far, you've definitely not gotten anything in return, other than continued promises that all of these things you just payed for will somehow materialize into that beautiful vacation home you've been dreaming of. Trust me, I've been there. Before getting into The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I looked into Net MLM Profits, MLM Traffic Formula, and its all the same pitch.

So now, you've got your eBook, video series, which you've paid tons for, and if you want any shot at making anything, you're going to have to spend hours on your own trying to figure it all out. That's not so horrible, to have to put in a little time and effort, but keep in mind, you've already payed a significant amount to get to where you are.

Then, maybe if you work really, really hard, and get really, really lucky, you'll make some money. Congratulations. Now you just have to recover your investment.

There is an easier (and cheaper) way. There are programs and applications out there that are specifically designed to allow you to make money for just using them. Some of these include Direct Matches, Google Adwords, Commission Junction, and Global Domains International. Never heard of those? That's because most people who know them will charge you hundreds to show you how to use them. But The SpiderWeb Marketing System was created as a way to put together all of these free systems, and provide a huge net of members that all benefit from multiple free systems, thus increasing the amounts of money that are being generated by these free systems.

There are free ways to make money on the Internet, and while they may be hidden gems, you certainly shouldn't have to pay for the treasure map. Let The SpiderWeb Marketing System be your free guide:
click here

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This Marketing System is More Efficient!!


Internet multi-level marketers, purposefully or not, side step the most efficient way to the use the internet and all that the internet offers to build business and social networks. Almost all MLM programs still rely on the old tactic of an ebook. This ebook when purchased requires an average 2.5 rereads that (by the sheer fact that it is a book) cannot interactively help clients establish and implement practical Marketing Strategies. Clients are left with a text to help them on the internet. A book of instructions, like an outdated VCR manual. What would the solution look like?

The SpiderWeb System is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense, It brings the most success with the least amount of work. I had been trying to develop my downlines and I wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business. That is what The SpiderWeb System has help me with Plus helping me to generate my own endless streams real-time Home Based Business Targeted leads.

Recently something caught my eye that this company does better than any other that I have tried.

I have asked myself, why not use the internet to present an interactive way to establish and implement the Marketing Strategies? Well, okay, maybe not that exact question. But maybe, something like, "why can't we just make it easier to do business better on the internet??" The SpiderWeb System, founded by Kimball Roundy, does just this. It works through a series of free video tutorials that have incorporated within the web page the necessary tools to start building over twelve verifiable streams of income. It works like this : you watch a video and while you're watching you are actually clicking buttons, setting up your streams, and getting you business out there. The best part is: everything to get started and working is right there all ready for business and marketers on the page. Whereas other companies waste time expecting clients to read and reread ebooks, then start working on their networking, The Spiderweb System already has it ready for their clients right within the free video tutorials.

Likewise, other companies do not effectively use the internet for all that it has to offer. The verifiable multiple streams of passive income that The SpiderWeb System uses comes straight from logical, practical, and productive internet use. Most MLMs use one or two strategies that may use the internet but ultimately get their clients no where. There are millions of people plugged into the internet every day looking for exactly what companies, like yours or mine, has to offer. Here is where The SpiderWeb System shines. Using the ins and outs of Internet Traffic, the system has been developed to best leverage the internet. Why not use the internet in the most efficient way possible and make money doing so? The SpiderWeb System knows how to use all the top internet companies to work for businesses and marketers.

If you're interested in the common sense that I've been talking about just Click Here

Thanks for listening.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

SpiderWeb Marketing Maximizes Tahitian Noni and Xango

Alan Hallmark here. Last night, while I was working on one of my sites, I thought about a guy I once knew who did pretty well for himself through Tahitian Noni. I know, you've heard something like that before. Now, I'm always quite skeptical of all the amazing MLM testimonials about so and so who went from rags to riches and would like you to join his downline as soon as he returns from his month vacation in the Maldives. You should be skeptical too. But I actually was friends with this guy and saw it with my own eyes. No, there was not a 120 ft. yacht or private jet (although there was a nice ski boat), but he was doing pretty well.

A former Alaskan Hunting Guide, he became involved in the Tahitian Noni program, did quite well, and built a lovely home on the shore of the beautiful Canyon Ferry Lake near Helena, Montana. (As an avid hunter, I'll toss in this personal aside: he also had twenty to thirty foot vaulted ceilings with some of the most impressive North American Big Game trophies I have ever seen adorning the walls. If Noni pays for that, sign me up.)

That said, you get the point. You can really, truly, honesty make some serious dollars in fruit-product MLMs such as Tahitian Noni or Xango. But are you? If you are, congratulations, I would recommend a ranch in Montana. But if you are not making the kind of money you're dreaming of, lets talk about it. Why not?

You may be the king of Xango-Mango-Noniness or whatever you're selling. There may be no one who loves it more, knows more about it, or sells it better than you. But you know what? My friend in Montana didn't make it big on product sales alone. He made it because he had an extensive downline of active distributors. And the distributors in his downline had extensive downlines of their own. And they had downlines, and so on... you've seen the charts. It sounds so simple, but how do you get to the top level of a multi-level marketing system?

The answer is leads. Its that magical word you hear so much. You've been to training seminars on how to get them, bought eBooks or lecture series on them, or maybe even paid for a cold list. But if your experience is anything like 95% of all others in MLM, it may not be working too well.

You're in a common spot. You've got a great product and all the enthusiasm in the world to make you wildly rich. You just need to find good solid leads to develop your downline. That's where The SpiderWeb Marketing System comes in as a perfect complement to maximize your venture in Tahitian Noni, Xango, or any other entrepreneurial business.

The product is a streamlined Internet marketing program created to bring in interested, quality leads and revenue with no additional effort on your part. Its based on what is called a funded proposal system, which uses the original funds to continue to perpetuate the leads and income that it generates. With only a (very) small investment (anything less than $50), the funded proposal system continually generates interested leads and builds your network, building upon itself and continually growing larger.

The interested leads are not just people who have accidentally stumbled across your website, either. These are people that actually sought out a chance to specifically become involved in your entrepreneurial business venture. They need you, and you need them. The Spider Web Marketing System is just the vehicle to bring everyone together.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System will bring leads to you. It's the perfect way to maximize your success in Noni, Xango, or any other business venture.

No matter what your business venture is, you need leads. You may have the best healthy, tasty, miracle beverage ever discovered since water, but you still need leads to help you build your network and bring in the serious money - the kind of money that builds huge trophy-filled lakeside homes.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing you success,

Alan Hallmark

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Einstein's Theories on The Spider Web Marketing System

Alan Hallmark here again with a interesting post... at least I think so ;-)

Albert Einstein once said that the definition of insanity is: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I like to look at it as banging your head against a wall and expecting to make money for it. Doesn't usually work too well. There is apparently quite the debate amongst bloggers as to whether this was originally said by Benjamin Franklin, or Einstein, or someone else. Either way, its true. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is just not very smart any way you slice it.

The same thing applies to any business. The businesses that break the mold and do something new succeed. Those that continue with the status quo eventually are shown the Chapter 11 door. Horse carriage makers used to think that the whole automobile fad was just a phase that would pass. In a more modern example, huge, established airline companies are struggling while new, smaller companies are succeeding by focusing on low fares and customer satisfaction.

I know that is true, because when I first started in MLM, I did what just about everyone else does, I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I attended boring company training events, I tried a different Company, then another, then another. I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and "Proven Turnkey Systems" an I spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads. It wasn't quite as successful as I had hoped, to put it lightly.

The original businesses of network marketing began almost 100 years ago, with vitamin sales in the US. Since then, its has grown into an enormous and comprehensive industry with companies on all continents. (Yes, all continents. Somewhere, some scientist in Antarctica is pitching Xango or something like that to one of his coworkers. You know it) Obviously, the industry hasn't always remained the same, and success has favored the new and innovative. You shouldn't remain the same either.

MLM may have made you a millionaire. If so, stop reading and have a nice life. If not, you may be seeking a new way to break the mold of mediocrity and achieve that success that is captured by the few who possess the business courage and agility to do what it takes to get it.

Many people don't achieve the financial success that originally lured them into network marketing. They say, Hmm, Ive been working really hard to sell product X, and its not working well. Ill just sell product Y in the exact same type of system using the exact same techniques, and hope it works out. Insanity. Inconceivable.

The key is to try a different approach. Thats why I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System. There is a better way to increase your income than badgering everyone you come in contact with to buy your product or join your system. The Spider Web Marketing System offers a new and innovative approach that has brought success to thousands of clients. It leverages the power of the Internet by maximizing the effectiveness of major search engines to direct new, fresh leads to you in a more efficient manner than any other system can provide. That's only a portion of what it can do for you. The point is this: The Spider Web Marketing uses a ground-breaking principle called the funded-proposal system to perpetuate itself and bring people to you. You become the sole recipient of leads who are actually looking for an entrepreneurial opportunity. Thats only one unique facet of the many things that The Spider Web Marketing System can do to develop home businesses.

I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System because I was excited to be able to generate my own endless stream real-time Home Based Business Targeted leads, I was excited to be able to generate 12+ streams of passive residual income and I wanted to learn exactly what it takes to leverage the power of the internet to grow my business. I was sick of all the hype filled e-books and training courses and I was excited to get the the Revolutionary Lead Generation System. The SpiderWeb gave me access to the 22+ step-by-step tutorial videos and brings the most success with the least amount of work. I am also very excited to have real, interested leads and never have to hunt leads again.

Throughout history, whether in war or exploration or business, success comes to those who pioneer a new approach, while those who don't are left banging their heads against a wall. Insanity. There are so many restrictions to your potential for success in MLM, and The Spider Web Marketing System is the innovative strategy to go beyond those restrictions. The Spider Web Marketing System breaks the MLM mold to bring prosperity to those who are willing to take a little more than just what they can get.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing you success,


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Direct Matches

Direct Matches - A New Social Networking Website and part of The SpiderWeb Marketing System (100% FREE)

Dating and Friendship - There are an estimated 90 million single Americans, with 40 MILLION currently using online dating services EACH MONTH! And, these folks are spending $25 - $30 dollars per month paying membership dues to various online dating services.

The online matchmaking industry is just like our everyday lives…It is all about building relationships. Traditional online matchmaking companies profit from your relationships. Why should a select few ‘higher-ups’ be the only ones to profit for your relationships with others. Just look at MySpace. If you are on MySpace, are you getting a piece of the advetising pie? NO.

Matchmaking is one of the few services pMeople are willing to pay for online. With all of the training, support, and software that Directatches provides, you can enjoy a substantial income right from home! That is right. They share that pie with you.

Jobs and Networking - reports over 175 MILLION job searches performed PER MONTH! DirectMatches is the FIRST online MULTI-MATCHMAKING service where you earn money by helping people find Romance, Friendship, Colleagues and Jobs! You can be in one of the top positions in a company that is poised at the bubbling point of an exploding industry.

Have you ever set someone up on a blind date? Facilitated a lucrative business contact for an associate? Set up a coveted job interview for a friend? Has anyone ever done these things for you? With DirectMatches, YOU earn the loot! Some people are earning as much as six thousand to twelve thousand dollars per week!

NOW is the time to take your position as a Representative of DirectMatches! You have the enviable availability to be at the TOP of one of the fastest growing industries in the world.

Don’t wait! Remember, there is no cost to join the Direct Matches community and you will receive live support and marketing tools designed to promote your profile.

Go ahead and signup to reserve your position in the company! Post your profile and take the system for a test-drive. Please contact me with any questions.

I look forward to working with you soon!

Click Here

Saturday, May 17, 2008

GDI - A Great opportunity for anyone!!

GDI -- is part of The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

First things first, this is Alan Hallmark and welcome to my site! I'm glad that you have come here to have a look at something that can potentially change your life! I'm sure most of you are eager to find out what this site is about, and I will tell you soon, but first I have a question to ask you: Are you looking to earn a highly profitable online income that has unlimited potential, a lot of financial benefits and can be done simply and easily all from the comfort of your home?

If you are, I highly recommend you check this opportunity out! It is with a legitimate, proven well known company (Global Domains International) that provides the opportunity to people all over the world. I have to be honest and say it costs USD $10 per month, of which it pays for a domain and website tailored to you so you can earn off it (if you sign up of course, which is FREE), BUT I have to say that this $10 fee is highly worth the value of money considering the huge income potential you can most definetly achieve. I know this has potential for ALL OF US, as long as we have the belief, desire, determination and motivation to turn this opportunity into something that can benefit our lives for the better!

When you sign up I highly recommend you to promote the website you will get on traffic exchanges like this one, on free advertising sites such as, on MySpace, Bebo, YouTube etc, on bulletin boards at work, community notice boards and newspapers etc. The more you advertise and promote your .ws domain the more potential income you can earn!

When you join you will have access to all the support you need. This can be through the company's help line, email, forums. You can also contact me directly via email to and I will do my best to answer any queries you have.

I hope you enjoy exploring this opportunity and while there is no obligation to sign up I HIGHLY RECOMMEND you do. I believe that earning an income on the internet is the way forward into the future and with reputable, known and legitimate companies like the one I'm promoting giving you a valuable way to go about this, you will no doubt have the potential to succeed in this field!

If you have already taken a moment to watch our exciting, brief presentation, you already know this. If you haven’t, then visit the link below and "Get Ready for the Ride of Your Life!"

Friday, May 16, 2008

Leads and The SpiderWeb Marketing Lead Machine

Alan Hallmark here again. In this blog I want to talk to you about LEADS!! In any business, the money has to come from somewhere. Whether it's from sales revenue or service charges or other transactions, the bitter business truth is that every dime in your pocket used to be in someone else's. It's not a bad thing. Just because you have money that used to be in someone else's possession doesn't mean that the former owner is now busting out the food stamps. Through however many transactions between however many parties, you received money, and they received either goods or services. And that's how an economy works.

On a less Macro scale, in the world of network and multi-level marketing this principle remains especially true and obvious. At the very core of your business, you make money through the sale of goods or services to someone. You yourself may never sell a thing and be living in a huge mansion, but odds are you're benefiting from the sale of something to someone. This system of making sales work for you is part of the appeal of MLM Downlines. You benefit from the work of others. The more people you have in your downlines, the more profit you are making. Downlines make sales. You make money. End of story. But what's the name of the game?

Leads. The hottest commodity of MLM. If you've got 'em, you've got it. If not, you're going to be working really, really hard to pay for that huge mansion on door-to-door sales and Tupperware parties. If you can get downlines, you can get money. In order to have downlines, you need leads. In short, leads equal money.

And that's the MLM secret, which you already know, of course. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that you can't make a fortune by yourself in this business. But just because you know that you need leads doesn't mean you can find them. And that's where so many MLM ventures fail. It is a commonly reported statistic that well over 90% of those involved in MLM never make a profit. But you can bet that a healthy supply of leads will keep in you in the successful ten percent.

There's a couple different ways to go about it. You can do what most MLMers do (and fail): make a list of your friends and family (sound familiar?), pass out 'business op' fliers, spend lots of money and have social functions, beg, plead, scream, pass out, wake up, continue. Eventually, the strenuous effort takes its toll on your health and you leave the industry to do something a little more docile and less stressful on your health, like substitute teaching in an alternative high school.

There is a better way. A way to channel leads to your business who come looking for it. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a system designed to do one thing: generate leads. And it does so with the greatest effectiveness and efficiency in the industry. It's based on what is called the funded proposal system, a system that utilizes highly developed Internet marketing strategies to bring interested, real leads. The best part of funded proposal, and the great appeal of The Spider Web Marketing System, is that it perpetuates itself, so that it keeps itself going and continues to generate income for you, while continually sending quality leads your way.

There are other ways to get leads. You can put down some serious cash for "lead lists" who will give you pages and pages of innocent people who have been called a hundred times, and you can work off of that. But with SpiderWeb Marketing, these are leads that come to you. They are "fresh leads," meaning that they have not been called before or come from any list. These are people, who using the Internet, seek out a business opportunity and come straight to you.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System has been great for me because It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense. I am excited to gain solid leads. Its helped me get more leads, grow my business, and helped me on my goal to Gain financial freedom, time and economic independence. I am now able to be a leader in my business and share my knowledge with others.

Basically, The Spider Web Marketing System is a lead generating machine. And in a business where leads are the name of the game, that's a piece of equipment you can't afford to be without.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing you success,


Monday, May 12, 2008

Do You Yuwie?

Yuwie - A New Social Networking Website and part of The SpiderWeb Marketing System (100% FREE)

Social Networking is an online PARTY for the MASSES, you don't need advanced computer skills to participate and have fun! ANYONE can join in for FREE.
Yuwie is like MySpace, but you and your Upline GET PAID

Your Upline Gets Paid When You Update:
· Your Welcome Page
· Your Online Journal
· Your Picture Albums
You Get Paid When Anyone Views:
· Your Welcome Page
· Your Journal Entries
· Your Picture Albums
· All Your Friends
· All Your Comments
· 10 Levels of Referrals!

When you are on MySpace, don't you ask yourself sometimes, you're writing all this messages, leaving blog comments, you do all the networking, and you get what in return??

So I invite you to join me and my friends at Yuwie and start making money while you network. When you join, you will be instantly connected to me and my friends. Click the link below to join.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Back Office Makes Things Easy

Hey, Alan Hallmark with another exciting post about The SpiderWeb Marketing System! Right now, I want to tell you a little bit about an amazing tool that is put into your hands: The SpiderWeb Marketing System Back Office.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System Back Office is an extremely useful and powerful part of the most effective program in the industry. As you establish yourself within The SpiderWeb Marketing System, you will become very familiar with the Back Office. It is a tool that we've created to help you be successful in this program, and a majority of your efforts in the system will be done through it.

If your experience has been anything like mine, you may have struggled a bit. Perhaps, like me, you engaged in some of the classic, yet often futile techniques of MLM. I just didn't find the success I desired. But The SpiderWeb Marketing System overcomes those problems, in great measure by the Back Office.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System Back Office gives you something. It gives you a home base in the program. It makes the SpiderWeb System real to you: something you can see, use, and rely on. In so many other systems, you sign up, pay your fee, and end up floating out in MLM space trying to figure it all out, with nothing to ground you to the system. With the Back Office, you are actually in The SpiderWeb Marketing System. Its easy to get with the program when you are part of the program.

It's sole reason for existing is to make success easier for you. In the Back Office, you have access to The SpiderWeb Marketing System Video Series. Everything you need to know about how to operate effectively within The SpiderWeb Marketing System is available to you through The SpiderWeb Marketing System Video Series, which will walk you through every step to set up and maximize your system and bring the money in.

Another extremely useful tool is the Prospect Manager. This is the best way to keep track of everything that is happening within your program. You can find out the status of all prospects, where they came from, and what have been your most successful strategies for generating leads.

Among other features, you will also find a list of your referral links, website visitor tracker, task manager, and calendar, to mention a few. One of my favorite features is the SpiderZone forum, which I will discuss another time.

You won't find a system or Back Office that is this comprehensive in any program. As I have mentioned, we are committed to providing the very best marketing System in the industry, and that philosophy permeates through everything we do, including the Back Office. It is a powerful key that will help you open the door to the success you deserve.

You can quickly get your own Back Office, by signing up for the free system now.

To sign up just Click Here



Tuesday, May 6, 2008

PayPal the Best Way to Send Money and Get Money

When you signup for PayPal, you can start accepting credit card payments instantly. As the world's number one online payment service, PayPal is the fastest way to open your doors to over 150 million member accounts worldwide.
Best of all, it's completely free to sign up!

Sign up for PayPal and start accepting credit card payments instantly.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Five Characteristics of Success in MLM, Part Deux

Hi, Alan Hallmark back again. I'm excited for this blog entry, and I hope you are too. In the last entry, I talked about five characteristics I've seen in my experience that have led people to real success in the network marketing industry. In my opinion, you cannot be successful without them. With them, however, you are in a strong position to achieve your aspirations in this industry.

I want to explain to you how The SpiderWeb Marketing System holds to these characteristics and will help you develop them yourself.

1. They used their own products or services and could explain why you should use them.

This is an easy one. Its easy to sell a product when you use it yourself. A personal guarantee based on experience is a powerful tool. As you use The SpiderWeb Marketing System, you'll see the success, and as you tell others about it, they'll see your success and want to be a part of it as well.

2. They had a reason for doing the business and a business plan.

There are more reasons to do business other than just to make money, right now. While SpiderWeb will make money for you right now, it can also be viewed as an investment, with immediate, and long-term returns. The business network that you build with people with similar goals in mind will benefit you for many years.

3. They let the tools do the selling.

Let us do the work. This system has been created to sell itself for you. The tools are in place to advertise, market, and sell this system, all with no extra effort on your part. Some things really are simple.

4. They were always learning more about the business.

I think this holds true in all aspects of life. Those who stay on top of things, always ready to adapt to the different challenges and changes that come their way, are the ones who make it. At SpiderWeb Marketing, we are daily seeking ways to improve. In fact, we never stop getting better. We've got the best product on the market, and we'll always strive to make it even better.

5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.

Patience is a virtue in any business. Think of the exponential growth model, which is shaped like a J. It starts out slow, when patience is required, then all of a sudden, boom! Exponential growth. That's how a network operates. From personal experience, I can tell you that the longer you are involved, the broader and more expansive your network will become, until soon you have cash coming in from the farthest reaches of the universe.

I'm convinced that there are keys to success in life. Five of those keys are listed above. For some, they come naturally. For others, they have to be developed. Either way, they work. They just need a vehicle to turn attributes into assets. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the way to develop those critical attributes and find the success that you work so hard for.

Perhaps you joined MLM for some of the same reasons that I did. Excited by the comfort of working from home, interested in entrepreneurship, loved the product and loved the idea of flexibility. Perhaps you tried to do some of the same things that I did. I made a list of my 100 closest friends and family members, I attended boring company training events, I tried a different Company, then another, then another, spent THOUSANDS of dollars on training courses and "Proven Turnkey Systems" and spent THOUSANDS of dollars on leads. Either way, however, the point is that I know that through The SpiderWeb Marketing System I can accomplish my goal to Gain financial freedom, Gain time freedom, Obtain economic independence, Enjoy my time and my life my way, Be a leader in my business, Share my knowledge and my success with others.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing you success,

Alan Hallmark

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Five Characteristics of Success in MLM

Hey, Alan Hallmark here again. I've been in the network marketing industry for years, and I have seen a lot. I've tried different business systems and approaches, and been met with different levels of success. But most importantly, throughout my life's career journey, I've had the chance to meet some amazing people. People who know this industry. People, who have worked hard to get to the top. People who have made money. A lot of money. Millions. And millions.

I learned a great deal from these leaders, not just from the things that they taught me, but from my own observations of them. I noticed that all of them had similar characteristics that helped them achieve the kind of success that so many of us dream about.

1. They used their own products or services and could explain why you should use them. (They were a product of the product.)

2. They had a reason for doing the business and a business plan.

3. They let the tools do the selling.

4. They were always learning more about the business.

5. They stayed in the game long enough to have a chance to succeed.

By holding strong to these principles, these people made millions. Sound like you have those qualities? I'll tell you something: you don't have to be born with them. Some of them are developed by smart business practices and patience, and anyone of us can develop those characteristics. And those of us who do are well on their way to achieving their dreams.

My goal in business in life is to Gain financial freedom and to obtain economic independence. I want to enjoy my time and my life my way and to share my knowledge with others. I know that I can achieve that through The SpiderWeb Marketing System because It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect sense. I am excited to gain solid leads I researched thoroughly and know this is the best systemIt has been wonderful so far.

In my next blog entry, I'll tell you about how The SpiderWeb Marketing System will help you achieve each of those integral characteristics. It will be good. It will be real. And it will help you understand how you can make money in The SpiderWeb Marketing System.

For more information just Click Here

To your success,

Alan Hallmark

Friday, May 2, 2008

Finally, A True Funded Proposal

and thanks for visiting my blog. my name is Alan Hallmark and I am from Birmingham, Alabama. I have been in the industry for about 5 years . I want to take this entry to explain something very important: the funded proposal system. This is an integral building block of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, yet few people truly understand it. For my entry, I want to take an explanation written by the founder and inventor of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, and insert it into my blog. Hopefully it will bring you increased understanding, as it has to me. It's a little long, but stick with it, as it will explain things very well.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is a Revolutionary new Funded Proposal MLM Prospecting system which was developed by Kimball Roundy. It is designed to help Network Marketers in their business building efforts. The System Maximizes the power and reach of the Internet to bring targeted Network Marketing Prospects right to your door who are eager to get signed up with you, and instead of paying to generate or buy these leads, they end up PAYING YOU to become leads. In essence, instead of chasing people for your business, they start chasing and paying you to be considered as a prospect to join you. It is a pretty sweet concept and it works like a charm! IF you have the time to learn it and implement the system. What do you mean by "a Funded Proposal Prospecting System?" The basic (very simplified) idea behind a "Funded Proposal" prospecting system is this:

You use a website or system (as an "affiliate" usually with a specific affiliate referral tracking link) that is set up to generate MLM Targeted Leads by advertising "help" and or "training" that will help the person seeking the help (the LEAD) with generating leads for their primary business.

For example, you find someone searching Google or Yahoo who is looking for "MLM Leads" or "Network Marketing Leads" and show an ad to them that says essentially:

"Quit Wasting Your Time and Money on MLM Leads! Let Me Show you how to Generate your own, and get Paid by Each one of Them Whether or not They Join Your Business!"

If you were spending hundreds of dollars and hours and hours (maybe you are, if so, pay attention) buying and then contacting hundreds of leads, wouldn't the above idea appeal to you?

So, with this system you are advertising help or training, and in exchange for a free newsletter or basic e-book they give you their contact information (LEAD). This newsletter will usually tell them "WHAT" to do but not show them "HOW" to do it. Then, through reading the free newsletters or e-books or watching the free videos etc they are introduced to some product that they can buy (usually the Full details and step by step training on HOW to do what they just told you to do) and if the person who signed up for the info decides to purchase the product then you as the affiliate who referred them will make a commission. So, essentially what will happen is you, will be looking for a way to grow your business, you will find one of these sites and sign up for the free info (You are someone else's lead) then you decide you want to get the whole story, buy the product (book, e-book etc.) and the person who referred you makes $20 or $50 or whatever the commission amount for the book!
ok sale is.

So, that is how a Funded Proposal is designed to work.

You sign up
Then you Set up the system by following the videos.

The system manages all your Marketing for you.
You get leads

You generate up to 22 streams of Passive Residual Income before/without ever talking to a single prospect or spending a DIME.

You contact and build a relationship with your new, unique to you, real-time Network Marketing Targeted leads.
Your business grows bigger, faster than with any other system, period.
Oh, and it is 100% FREE!

With the innovative 22 streams of income that they will generate for you before any product, service book or company is sold, it is THE FIRST TRUE "FUNDED PROPOSAL" where you get paid for your marketing before the lead has ever been contacted by anyone or sold anything!

I know, I have not explained that part, you are just going to have to head over and check it out to find out exactly how it works.

To check it out just Click Here

Take care,


Thursday, May 1, 2008

SpiderWeb Marketing Overcomes the Pitfalls of MLM

Hi, Alan Hallmark here. Anyone who has ever bought into the dream of network/multi-level marketing knows that its not perfect, myself included. I became involved with it because I was excited by the comfort of working from home, I was interested in entrepreneurship and I loved the idea of flexibility. Many who tout it will promise that its a more efficient way to make money, that its easy to find success through friends and family, and that it can be done in a couple hours after your day job. But anyone who has poured countless hours and thousands of dollars chasing the MLM dream knows that its not as simple as uplines, downlines, and growing bank accounts.

It was a rude awakening, as I jumped in only to find that success didn't come as easily as I had been told. I wanted to work hard and was willing to, but the fact of the matter is I have not had enough training and Company training was too expensive. I didn't know enough people, I didn't know enough about the business to train anyone, My Friends and Family were not interested, I didn't have enough leads and I couldn't stand cold calling, so it didn't go as smoothly as I had hoped.

As I experienced, there are some serious drawbacks to MLM. If there weren't, every product sold would be through networks, and every distributor involved would be very rich. Not the case. Here's why:

Shockingly, 99% of all MLM distributors lose money. The further down the line you go, the fewer leads there are available. It becomes a principle of scarcity. Too many predators, not enough prey. Basically, it becomes too difficult to search and track down more people to become involved, either as buyers or downline distributors.

Family and friends are not a reliable base for MLM success. No one wants to be hounded by their distant brother-in-law or old high school teammate to join up in the next big money making scheme or buy whatever wonderful irreplaceable product you happen to be pushing at the moment. Yes, your mother loves you, but she's not going to make you rich.

Successful MLM also takes a lot of time, and a lot of talent. For being the part-time, work-from-home, independent moneymaker it is portrayed to be, any successful distributor must actually spend far more time to make the business viable. Industry "experts" will tell you that every second of the day is a potential time for marketing. No regular hours. No limits. Always ready with a pitch.

MLM is not your standard make-money-on-the-side job. For many, it becomes a lifestyle. Some have tried to incorporate spiritual principles. MLM "pep rallies," training seminars, workshops, and retreats are the industry norm. Network Marketing has its own distinct culture, and financial growth is impossible without becoming part of that culture.

These four drawbacks become serious obstacles on the path to MLM financial success. Most Network Marketing Systems fail for some combination of these dilemmas, and until now, there hasn't been any system that would allow distributors to bypass these hurdles.

However, a The SpiderWeb Marketing System allows business owners to overcome these obstacles easily and effectively. It is a network marketing system designed to create an efficient process for MLM financial success. Greater efficiency means less work, and more money.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is based on principles that avoid the pitfalls of traditional multi-level marketing, where other systems fail.

Most ventures in MLM lose financially because clients, leads, and customers can't be found. Eventually, the well dries up. SpiderWeb Marketing uses a highly developed Internet advertising strategy to actually bring leads to you. Instead of desperately trying to hunt down leads, the leads hunt you. Through SpiderWeb Marketing, clients are only contacted by interested leads. The frustrating search ends, and the money finds you.

The appeal of this system is that leads come to you. There is no more ruining important relationships by constantly nagging people to enroll. With The SpiderWeb Marketing System, you will never need to hit up friends and family, because, again, only the genuinely interested leads come to you.

One of the greatest assets of this system is that it does the work for you. It works while you sleep, so you don't have to. The difference between it and other systems is that it will actually save your time while developing your business with no extra effort.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is simple. No rallies, no spiritual-sales-enlightenments, no hand-waving testimonials. A simple phone call is all it takes, and then the money comes in. It is as simple as that. It makes money for you.

Since I joined The SpiderWeb Marketing System, my experience has been great and I am confident that I will continue to be successful because It is a brilliant business model that makes perfect senseKimball and his corporate staff have been very helpfulI am excited to gain solid leadsI researched thoroughly and know this is the best systemIt has been wonderful so far.

There is no comparable system. Standard Multi-Level Marketing is hindered by several major barriers that keep you from becoming more prosperous. The SpiderWeb Marketing System ensures success by breaking those barriers in a way that nothing else can.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing you success,


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The SpiderWeb Marketing System Maximizes the Reverse Funnel System

Alan Hallmark back again. Today I want to talk about the Reverse Funnel System. It looks like a good program. Here's what I think about it.

You may have been attracted to Ty Coughlin's guaranteed money-making machine, the Reverse Funnel System. Seeing the picture of him lounging around in his swim trunks at his Hawaiian beach house may have sold you on the dream. Or maybe it was the testimonial of Kursten with his bright yellow Lambourghini, or Doug with his private plane. Either way, the idea of guaranteed six figures sounds appealing to anyone, beach house, Lambi, or jet aside. Money talks.

So you're in. You've paid the start-up fees and gotten good advice. You've got the ambition. You've got the direction. You've got the fail proof system.

You've also got a problem. Where is your money coming from? Multiple streams of income sound great, but these aren't the kind of streams that spring up spontaneously from the earth. These kind of streams spring from someone else's wallet. And that's all cool, business is business, but its got to come from somewhere.

This is where many home business entrepreneurs run into a tough spot. All the family has been bugged. All the friends badgered. The lead lists have been bought and scavenged. The cottage meetings have been held with marginal results at best. The fliers have been hung up, rained on, ripped off, and are now being gently blown down the street, only to soon end up in someone's trash pile.
You're in a common spot.

You've got a great product and all the enthusiasm in the world to make you wildly rich. You just need someone to start writing your checks. That is where The SpiderWeb Marketing System comes in as a perfect complement to maximize your venture in the Reverse Funnel System or any other Internet business. In economic terms, these are complementary services, not substitutes.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System is not designed to compete with your business. Its designed to enhance it. They're not trying to convince you to sell their cancer-curing tropical fruit juice or travel package. The product behind the Spider Web Marketing System is... the SpiderWeb Marketing System!

The product is a streamlined Internet marketing program created to bring in interested, quality leads and revenue with no additional effort on your part. Its based on what is called a funded proposal system, which uses the original funds to continue to perpetuate the leads and income that it generates.

Developed by a team with years of Internet Marketing experience, the SpiderWeb Marketing System perfects the Google Adword program to maximize its efficiency in directing leads to you. With only a small investment, (anything less than $50) the funded proposal system continually generates interested leads and builds your network, building upon itself and continually growing larger.

The interested leads are not just people who have accidentally stumbled across your website, either.
These are people that actually sought out a chance to specifically become involved in your entrepreneurial business venture. They need you, and you need them. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is just the vehicle to bring everyone together.

No matter what your business venture is, you need leads. You may have the best product in the best system ever invented in the free market economy, but you still need someone to buy it. The Spider Web Marketing System will bring leads to you. It's the perfect way to maximize your success in the Reverse Funnel System or any other business venture.

For more information just Click Here

Wishing You Success,


Friday, April 25, 2008

The SpiderWeb Marketing System Does the Work for You

As, I've learned, there are many different systems out there designed to help you develop your small business. Personally, I researched MLM Traffic Formula and Net MLM Profits. All are built on promises of what they can do and how they will bring you new leads and more money and that big MLM mansion you've always dreamed of.

You may have heard claims like this: "You too can become the next big thing in multi-level marketing, and your home business will explode! (Through this system of 17 videos and three E-books and two training courses.)"

Or maybe one like this: "You too can become a network marketing guru and leads will flock to you! (After spending countless hours trying to understand, retain, and apply techniques that have taken the author years to develop.)"

The thing that they all have in common is that they will only teach you what you need to know. From there you are on your own. It is up to you to actually make the success happen. It is up to you to spend hours watching the videos, reading the books, and putting in all of the tedious legwork. And for many of us, the time just isn't there. We already have full-time jobs, families, and other responsibilities that require our time. We have lives. Devoting hours of study to some guy's Internet marketing book just isn't realistic.

What's missing is a system that does the work for you: an Internet Marketing/Advertising Agency - a system that will help you develop MLM success by doing the work for you. That's the beauty of The SpiderWeb Marketing System. It truly works for you like an advertising agency.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System does something for you that no other system will do: it actually DOES something. Rather than trying to teach you or train you, The SpiderWeb Marketing System uses a complex system of Internet advertising strategies to advertise you and your business to thousands of interested entrepreneurs. It is extremely simple on your side. You follow the simple, step-by-step video tutorial process, the System does the work, and the leads come to you. It's the easiest way to bring success to your small business.

When you visit the site and sign up for The SpiderWeb System, and follow the simple process to set it all up, the system goes to work for you. Using a streamlined advertising process built around Google adwords and search engine optimization, and other innovative marketing strategies will be used to promote your small business. That's only the beginning of a process that took years of experience to fully develop.

That's only a small part of The SpiderWeb Marketing System's appeal. It is built on what is called a funded proposal, which means that once you sign up, its guaranteed to pay for itself. Not only does it pay for itself, it perpetuates itself to continue to market you and your business through thousands of interested leads. Only interested leads contact you and the frustrating work of tracking down leads ends.

This was such a relief to me because I worked so hard to find leads, often in vain. MLM Traffic Formula and Net MLM Profits.

There are other systems out there that make similar claims to help you increase your network and promote your business. Only a few processes actually come close to being as effective as the SpiderWeb System, but absolutely none do the work for you.

Since joining The SpiderWeb Marketing System, I've had so much more success at just about everything in my business.

The SpiderWeb Marketing System works for you by harnessing the power of the Internet and growing your business in the most efficient way possible. Less work and more success come from greater efficiency. The SpiderWeb Marketing System is the most efficient way to develop your business.

For more information just Click Here



Sunday, April 20, 2008

The SpiderWeb Marketing System

This is a GREAT Business Opportunity: Hi, I’m Alan Hallmark. Are you interested in making some extra cash online? Check out this free (not a trial, but FREE) cash generating system. I’ve seen a lot of different schemes to make money on the Internet, and I know there are a lot out there that just don’t work. The SpiderWeb Marketing System taught me through 22 FREE step-by-step tutorial videos exactly how to generate 12 streams of income through the Internet. Through a totally FREE system, I learned how to employ revolutionary techniques to channel the power of the Internet in my financial favor. Other similar programs will charge as much as $500 dollars or more for that kind of cutting-edge information.

Once you have your system set up, it takes as little as five minutes a day. It’s totally free. And most importantly, it works. It's so easy that anyone can do it if you follow the free step-by-step video directions that are provided. Don't pass up an opportunity like this, all you have to do is try it and see what it can do for you. I have applied the techniques of The SpiderWeb Marketing System because they do work.

You WILL MAKE between $5 and $450 for EVERY FREE SpiderWeb Marketing System that THE SYSTEM AUTOMATICALLY gives away for you (WITHOUT you ever having to talk to anyone or sell anyone anything... No selling ebooks, training courses, pills, potions or any other sort of product or service... just Spin Your Own World-Wide-Web and GET PAID, PERIOD!)

To GRAB your copy of The SpiderWeb Marketing System, Just click the link below:

Do you have your own world-wide-web yet?